Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support Thanon Aria Dewangga gives explanation to Ministry of PANRB concerning evaluation of Integrity Zone toward Serving and Clean Bureaucracy Zone at Cabinet Secretariat, Friday (12/11). (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Oji)
Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Friday (12/11) evaluated Integrity Zone (ZI) toward Serving and Clean Bureaucracy Zone (WBBM) at Cabinet Secretariat through video conference. The evaluated working unit was Office of the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support (DKK).
During the evaluation, Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support Thanon Aria Dewangga addressed steps his office has taken in the development of ZI WBBM in accordance with the provisions of Ministry of PANRB.
These steps include change management, governance management, human resource management system, strengthened monitoring, strengthened performance accountability, and improved public service quality.
First, change management. According to Thanon, his office has formed a working team, formulated a working plan, established agents of change, and monitored as well as evaluated the development of ZI.
“Thank God, we have included this in Decree of the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administration Number 7/Adm/III/2021, and the 2021 Agents of Change have been assigned,” he said.
Second, governance management. The Office of the Deputy DKK has followed up governance management by establishing a standard operating procedure (SOP) of e-office for Cabinet Secretariat and the Office of the Deputy DKK and renewing information systems and websites of Cabinet Secretariat.
“Recently, we received the 2021 Public Information Openness Award as an Informative Public Institution, which was given by the Vice President,” Thanon said, adding that Cabinet Secretariat’s social media also won 1st place at the 2021 PR Media Award for classification of ministries/government institutions, state-owned enterprises, regional-owned enterprises, and state higher education institutions from Ministry of Communications and Informatics.
Third, human resource management system. The Office of the Deputy DKK has continued to improve human resource management system by developing employee’s capacity, creating employee information system, and implementing a reward and punishment system for employees.
Fourth, strengthened performance accountability. In order to support day-to-day working activities, Thanon stated that his office has devised the Strategic Plan for 2020-2024, performance agreement, and performance report. All information of his office’s performance is also available on Performance Accountability System for Government Institution (e-SAKIP) application that has been reviewed by Ministry of PANRB.
Fifth, strengthened monitoring. Thanon also underscored that all services provided by the Office of the Deputy DKK is free of charge and all employees in this office are expected to commit to value-free principle and independence.
In addition, the Office of the Deputy DKK also provides room for stakeholders to give recommendations for the office’s services, such as public complaints through phone, WhatsApp messenger, and email; carries out survey directly and online; and integrates with the National Public Service Complaint Management System (SP4N) — Public Online Complaint and Aspiration Service (LAPOR!).
Sixth, improved public service quality. The Office of the Deputy DKK has won the Public Service Award in Excellent Service category with Grade A in 2020. The Cabinet Secretary was also awarded as a Public Service Supervisor with Excellent Service. Furthermore, the Office of the Deputy DKK has service SOP that can be accessed by the public.
“We have also set service notices of the three standards we have, namely limited meeting and cabinet meeting scheduling request, minute copy request, and report information request,” Thanon said.
Last year, Cabinet Secretariat through the Office of the Deputy DKK received the title of Integrity Zone toward Corruption-Free Zone (WBK). This year, Cabinet Secretariat proposed to Ministry of PANRB to develop Integrity Zone toward the Serving and Clean Bureaucracy Zone.
With the development of ZI WBBM, Ministry of PANRB expressed hope that the Office of the Deputy DKK can provide an example to other deputy offices in Cabinet Secretariat to also carry out development of ZI toward WBK/WBBM. (TGH/AIT/SLN) (DH/MUR)
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