Vice President Ma’ruf Amin leads meeting on People’s Economic Empowerment and Public Services at Aceh Governor’s Office in Banda Aceh, Aceh province (16/11) (Photo by: Vice President Secretariat)
The quality of public services is one of the goals of the success of bureaucratic reform and becomes public satisfaction index, according to Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.
However, massive social dynamics are demanding faster, easier public services, the Vice President added. To that end, he continued, it is important to optimize digital technology utilization to provide effective, efficient, responsive public services.
“The use of digital technology in public services will push for the provision of effective, efficient, fast, and responsive public services,” said the Vice President during the meeting on People’s Economic Empowerment and Public Services at Aceh Governor’s Office in Banda Aceh on Tuesday (16/11).
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin further said that the main goal of public services is to improve community welfare and the community welfare can be achieved by providing Public Service Malls (MPP), place where public services for people can be accessed under one platform, in each regency/city.
According to the Vice President, the MPP must provide services including the Central and Regional Governments’ licensing, non-licensing services as well as State-Owned Enterprises and Region-Owned Enterprises, adding that the services must also include direct, electronic, and automated services.
“The MPP must also set measurable performance targets so that the target achieved can be recorded and the obstacles, challenges faced can be evaluated,” the Vice President said.
On that occasion, the Vice President expressed hope that the quality of human resources who organize the MPP must also be improved so that the services provided can be more optimal and good governance can be achieved.
Furthermore, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin appealed to Aceh province government and its ranks to strengthen partnership among stakeholders including ministries/agencies, regional governments, and businesses in order to build more adaptive public services that also have strong competitiveness. (Vice President Secretariat/UN) (AP/MUR)
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