Ministry of Health has issued Circular Number HK.02.02/I/4198/2021 on the Implementation of Provisions on the Highest Tariff for COVID-19 Testing.
The Circular, which is signed by Ministry of Health’s Director General of Health Services Abdul Kadir on 26 November 2021, stated that RT-PCR test (widely known as swab test) that provides faster results must not exceed the highest tariff limit set by the Government.
“RT-PCR test that delivers faster results than the specified time limit is part of the quality of health services provided by hospitals and / or RT-PCR test laboratories. To that end, no additional fees may be charged that makes the tariff exceed the highest tariff limit for RT-PCR test,” Kadir said in the circular.
Previously, Circular of Health Ministry’s Director General of Health Services Number HK.02.02/1/3843/2021 stipulates that the highest tariff for RT-PCR test was set at a maximum of Rp275,000 regions in Java and Bali islands and Rp300,000 for regions outside the two islands.
According to the new circular, the result of the RT-PCR test under the new tariff must be issued within a maximum period of 1 x 24 hours after the swab test is carried out.
On that occasion, Kadir also urged all heads or directors of hospitals providing COVID-19 services and heads of COVID-19 test laboratories set by Minister of Health to pay attention to the provisions contained in the new circular.
“Hospitals providing COVID-19 services and COVID-19 test laboratories that do not comply with the provisions contained in Circular Number HK.02.02/1/3843/2021 and the provisions contained in the Circular will not be integrated with PeduliLindungi apps in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations,” he remarked.
For the record, the maximum tariff limit for RT-PCR test only applies for independent testing outside of epidemiological investigation activities in the forms of contact tracing or referrals for COVID-19 cases to hospitals with RT-PCR test under the Government’s assistance or as part of financing guarantee for COVID-19 patients. (PR of Ministry of Health/UN) (RIF/EP)
Visit the official website of Ministry of Health through this link.
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