Minister of Health, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, and Minister of Religious Affairs have issued new Joint Ministerial Decree on Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Activities during COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Joint Ministerial Decree stipulates more detailed provisions for limited face-to-face learning.
“Vaccination rate of educators and education personnel determines the number of students who can participate in face-to-face learning,” Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said in Jakarta, Thursday (12/23).
According to Budi, the previous Joint Ministerial Decree regulates the closure of schools for three days after any confirmed case of COVID-19, while the new Joint Ministerial Decree stipulates a longer closure of fourteen days.
“Limited face-to-face learning will be stopped if there are clusters of COVID-19 transmission, the ACF positivity rate above 5 percent, and more than 5 percent rate of education personnel listed in the notification of black cases,” he explained.
The updated information, he added, can be monitored from a dashboard that can be accessed by school officials and related stakeholders.
Regional governments and other relevant stakeholders can monitor the status of schools at and websites.
In the meantime, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian said that the previous provisions stipulate that the adjustments to the monitoring and evaluation of limited face-to-face learning are based on limited face-to-face learning readiness according to the checklist, limited face-to-face learning process reports, and confirmed cases of COVID-19 reports from schools.
The new Joint Ministerial Decree, he added, stipulates that limited face-to-face learning readiness must be based on a checklist from school reports, list of suspected cases of COVID-19, reports on comorbidities from schools and COVID-19 Task Force, reports on level of compliance of institutions and education stakeholders, vaccine status of education stakeholders (integrated with PeduliLindungi application), as well as list of confirmed cases and close contacts of COVID-19 cases (integrated with PeduliLindungi application).
Echoing a similar sentiment, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim pointed out that technology utilization for monitoring and evaluation of limited face-to-face learning will be strengthened.
He added that the Main Education Data (Dapodik) has been integrated with PeduliLindungi application.
Meanwhile, Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said that the education data collection system (EMIS) managed by Ministry of Religious Affairs has been integrated with PeduliLindungi application.
“Case notifications via WhatsApp will be sent to the person in charge at education units under the guidance of Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry’s regional offices,” Yaqut remarked. (PR of Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology/UN) (RI/EP)
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