Manpower Ministry Builds 3,000 Community Vocational Training Centers from 2020 to 2021

Community Vocational Training Center (BLK). (Photo taken from

The Government through Ministry of Manpower has built around 778 Community Vocational Training Centers (BLKs) in 2021, bringing a total of around 3,000 BLKs within a period of 2020-2021.

Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah, Tuesday (12/28), said that the Centers which have their own partners and operate as business units must be encouraged to provide more job opportunities for the community.

“In my opinion, we are not only striving to find a job for ourselves but also create jobs for the community,” she said.

With competences they have, the BLKs will be able to create entrepreneurs and recruit new workers. Thus, job creation will not only meet demand for labors in the job market but also will create entrepreneurs.

“We want business players to be armed with competences. The role of Community BLKs is to prepare micro business players to develop their competences,” she said while appreciating Unipro Biso Community BLK that is dubbed as the best BLK. (Ministry of Manpower/UN) (RAS/MMB)

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