Gov’t Allocates Rp2,714.2 Trillion for 2022

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani (17/11) (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat)

The Government has announced that it will allocate a budget of Rp2,714.2 trillion for government spending in 2022. A total of Rp1,944.5 trillion will be allocated for the Central Government and Rp769.6 trillion will be allocated for regional governments.

The statement was made by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati during a press conference after attending a Plenary Cabinet Meeting at the Presidential Office in Jakarta on Monday (17/11/2021).

The Minister went on to say that the Budget Implementation List (DIPA) will be handed over to all ministries/agencies in order to immediately prepare the budget realization plan for 2022.

“The President will hand over the DIPA at the end of this month. The President also ordered all ministries/agencies to prepare the budget realization plan for 2022,” Sri added.

Sri further said that the President has ordered all ministries/agencies to allocate five percent of the budget ceiling to anticipate COVID-19 pandemic situation so that the ministries/agencies do not need to refocus the budget implementation. (FID/UN) (AP/MMB)

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