Gubernur Kepri H. Ansar Ahmad bertindak sebagai inspektur upacara (irup) pada Apel Gelar Pasukan…
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Gubernur Kepri Sebut Karang Taruna Sebagai Mitra Strategis Pemerintah
Gubernur Kepri, H. Ansar Ahmad menganggap keberadaan Karang Taruna sangat dibutuhkan pemerintah daerah dalam…

Pegang 4 Konsensus Tangkal Paham Radikalisme
Penjabat Sekretaris Daerah (Pj.Sekda) Provinsi Kepri, Ir Lamidi meminta para pemuda, mahasiswa dan semua…

Gov’t Allocates Non-Physical DAK for Women, Child Protection
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Agung) The Government has renewed…

Minister: G20 Presidency to Boost Job Creations
Logo of G20 Indonesia 2022 Indonesia’s G20 Presidency will encourage job creations in the country,…

President Jokowi: Mutual Cooperation Key to COVID-19 Handling
President Jokowi delivers his remarks at the 7th anniversary of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI),…
Gov’t Poised to Tackle Extreme Poverty in Coastal Areas by 2022
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin delivers press statement after leading a meeting on tackling extreme poverty…
Cabinet Secretary Hopes for Women’s Stronger Role in Development
Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung (12/22) (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Rahmat) Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung,…
President Jokowi Issues Decree on National Talent Management Task Force
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has issued Presidential Decree Number 21 of 2021 on the…

President Jokowi to Open 34th Nahdlatul Ulama Conference in Lampung Province
President Jokowi and First Lady Ibu Iriana head to Lampung for a working visit, on…
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